Day Elevator & Lift

Mobility Equipment, Elevator Safety Tips

Elevator Safety TipsSince their first introduction in the 1850s, elevators have transformed the lives of millions of people around the world. Reports suggest that there are about 700,000 elevators installed in the United States. This signifies the relevance of mobility equipment and how they improve the mobility and independence of people. Safety and functionality are two predominant factors considered by people who use mobility devices.

Even though accessibility devices are the safest form of transportation available, people sometimes get injured due to accidents. These accidents occur due to different reasons such as mechanical breakdown, system malfunction and problems with the leveling, faulty wiring, or a device control malfunction. In addition, injuries can occur due to rider- errors. These include –

Elevator User Tips for a Safe Ride

Modern mobility equipment is equipped with prominent safety features that ensure users a safe and convenient ride. Special door interlock systems prevent the device door from opening between the floors. Safety speed breakers (with a speed governor) prevent the elevator from going beyond the specified speed limit. Other features include – automatic operating controls, emergency alarms, manual lowering devices, and touch screen controls among others. Even though these mobility devices are equipped with prominent features, following some simple guidelines will help users ensure a safe and convenient ride –

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