Heavy-duty Dumbwaiter
A Matot heavy duty dumbwaiter can lift up to 2500 pounds. It is built to carry a range of materials through an array of vertical handling systems at speeds of 300 feet per minute to distances of up to 300 feet.FEATURES
- Lift distance up to 50 feet
- Standard speed 40 feet/minute
- Floor level loading
- Equally suited for light or heavy loads
- Appropriate for occasional duty or continuous duty
- Elevator type precision guide rails
- Manually operated vertical bi-parting, slide up, slide down and swing type UL fire rated entrances
- Architectural grade stainless steel or primed finishes
- Commercial grade construction throughout
- Performance proven drive systems to match your application requirements
- UL approved microprocessor control systems
- Equipment complies with all National Code requirements
- Low cost installation
- Minimum maintenance requirements
- Higher speeds and lifting distances available upon request
- Variable frequency and vector based drive systems
- Security systems: key locks, keypads and interfaces to external security systems