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Enhancing Access for People with Mobility Issues

Enhancing Access for People with Mobility Issues

For people with mobility issues and or disabilities, moving around in public places can prove a challenging task. Curbs, thresholds, stairs, sidewalk gratings, obstructions, and narrow passages are some of the major barriers that those with mobility issues face. The Americans Disability Act (ADA) requires all state and local governments and businesses and non-profit organizations that serve the public (called ‘covered entities’) to allow people with disabilities access into all areas where members of the public are allowed to go. Building design should be functional enough to accommodate the needs of people with mobility issues and provide them with complete accessibility.

Here are some of the ways of enhancing access in public places or buildings for people with disabilities:

People with mobility issues have equal opportunities and existing facilities are required to remove architectural barriers where such removal is readily possible with the aim of enhancing access. Modern elevators have various features that make them ADA-compliant including doorways that are wide enough and stay open long enough to allow persons using wheelchairs to go through easily, audible signals to announce floors, and up/down direction, Braille signs and easily reachable controls, and more.

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